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Guidance Counsellor Support

Guidance Counsellor Support for Leaving Certificate Students

At St. Muredach’s College, we understand the significance of the Leaving Certificate and are dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and support to help students excel academically and make well-informed decisions about their future.

Counselling is a key part of the guidance programme, offered on both an individual and group basis, in order to assist students to make choices about their lives and to provide support at times of personal crisis. The Guidance Counsellor provides Personal, Social, Educational and Career Guidance Counselling.

Personal and Social Guidance Counselling aims to promote self-awareness, the ability to plan, interpersonal communication skills and decision making capabilities among students.

Educational Guidance Counselling assists the decision making process regarding the choice of course, subject and level within the school, as well as developing motivation, study skills and examination techniques.

Career Guidance Counselling facilitates the decision making process in relation to further education, training and employment opportunities. Career Guidance Counselling also explores job seeking skills, work and other life roles.

Guidance Counselling is delivered through a range of classroom activities, group work assignments and one to one counselling to all students, in both junior and senior cycle.

Below is a detailed outline of the interventions and resources offered by our Guidance Counsellor specifically for Leaving Certificate students:

Career Exploration and Updates
Our Guidance Counsellor ensures students have access to the latest information and resources:

  • Notifications Setup: Students are guided during Careers classes on how to set up notifications for career updates, ensuring they stay informed.

  • Google Classroom Updates: A dedicated Google Classroom is regularly updated with news about courses, open days, and other career opportunities.

  • Career Interest Survey: Students complete a Google Form to identify their interests, allowing the Guidance Counsellor to tailor the Careers Day program to their needs.

Key Events and Opportunities:
We organise and facilitate a range of events to expose students to potential career paths and further education opportunities.

  • Careers Day: Scheduled for January 14, 2024, this event brings professionals and institutions to the school to provide insights into various careers.
  • University Open Days: Students are encouraged to attend Open Days at institutions, with organised visits in March and April.
  • Sligo ATU Spring Open Day: Students will visit Sligo ATU, providing hands-on opportunities to explore the campus and programmes.
  • Guest Speakers: Representatives from top universities, including Sligo ATU (January), NUIG (2025), and UL (2025), are invited to speak at the school. When in-person visits are not possible, Zoom sessions are arranged.
  • External Speakers: To save valuable time and ensure students receive high-quality guidance, we invite guest speakers and hold a Careers Day biannually.
  • Intensive Study Skills Workshops: The Guidance Counsellor delivers tailored workshops to help students develop effective study techniques and manage their time efficiently during this crucial year.
17 2025
School Closed: Shrove Mid-Term Break
24 2025
School Reopens After Shrove Mid-Term Break
26 2025
PTM 5th & TY
17 2025
School Closed: Public Holiday
18 2025
School Closed
Your child is bringing home an envelope over the next few days, which contains some information from the Planet Youth project and guidelines and tips for their health and wellbeing as they get older.
As part of the ongoing redevelopment of senior cycle, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) is currently updating the Transition Year Programme Statement and developing a curriculum for Senior Cycle SPHE.
The newly appointed Principal / President of St Muredach's College is Mr Wayne Walsh. He will take up his position officially on 1st September 2023.
St Muredach's College,
Sligo Rd,
Co. Mayo,

096 21298

© 2025 St Muredach's College